Important things you should know about facial pores
Facial pores are minute, tiny openings present on your skin surface. They allow your skin to breathe properly and keep moisture in the skin. Most important activity performed by skin pores is that they transfer sweat and oil to the skin surface. They remove toxins from our bodies. If sebaceous glands secrete normal or average amount of oil, the pores will be smaller but if the oil secreted by the glands is more there is a possibility of enlarged pores on the face. Large open pores are painless and harmless, but they can make you feel embarrassed if they appear on the face. Why pores get enlarged? Various sebaceous glands behind our skin surface continuously generate sebum or oil and this sebum is transferred through skin pores to the skin surface for keeping your skin healthy and moisturized. If excess oil is generated by the glands, blocking of pores can take place. Once the pores are blocked, bacteria get trapped in it and form the pus. This increases the pressure inside the pores, and it can lead to enlargement of the facial pores. One of the major reasons behind enlargement of pores is the oily skin which mainly occurs with the teenage group.