Treatment options for atrial fibrillation
Affecting more than 2 million people in the country, atrial fibrillation is a heart condition that can be treated in most cases. A number of ailments like cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, heart failure, heart valve disease and even excessive consumption of caffeine or performing intense exercises regularly can increase the risk of this disorder of irregular heartbeat. But at times atrial fibrillation can be asymptomatic too.
Apart from analyzing the various symptoms of atrial fibrillation and performing a physical examination, doctors recommend an electrocardiogram or an echocardiogram to confirm the presence of this condition. Sometimes a Holter monitor or an event recorder is used to keep an eye on the activities of the heart. Chest X-rays and blood tests are other diagnostic methods that help check the presence of atrial fibrillation. Once it is confirmed that the heart indeed is beating more rapidly or much slower than it normally should, numerous treatment methods are available. Medication, surgery and lifestyle changes are some options. Which treatment is chosen for alleviating atrial fibrillation is dependent on factors like the duration and severity of the symptoms, the exact reason why the symptoms surface, the age of the patient, their general fitness condition and the chances of medication being an effective treatment alternative.
Considering that the number of illnesses that can trigger atrial fibrillation is many and because of the presence of symptoms that are not exclusive to this heart condition, diverse treatment options are adopted to get the heart rhythm under control and treatment is customized to suit every individual affected by this condition. The treatment options for atrial fibrillation are:
- An ultrasound to check for clots in the heart.
- To prevent and/or remove blood clots and to decrease the incidence of stroke, blood thinners or anticoagulants are administered to patients.
- To reactivate the rhythm of the heart and set it at a normal rate, doctors might try cardioversion. There are two ways to carry out this treatment. Under continuous monitoring of the heart rate, cardioversion is administered with medication, either orally or intravenously; or under anesthesia, electrical cardioversion where electrical patches are fastened to the heart to send it into a shock to try and restart it, with the hope that the normal sinus rhythm will begin is carried out.
- A keyhole surgery that works on the faulty rhythm and sets it right, an ablation process where the malfunctioning tissues of the heart are removed by either heating or freezing them at extreme temperatures, and fitting a battery-operated pacemaker that reminds the heart to continue beating when it slows down are other ways atrial fibrillation is treated.
- Yoga, with appropriate physical postures, breathing and meditation techniques help reduce a few of the causes of atrial fibrillation like stress, high blood pressure, and excess weight gain.
- Ingesting prescription supplements of Vitamin D and Omega 3 fatty acids and adhering to a nutritious diet low in cholesterol reduces the risk of stroke that is another cause of atrial fibrillation.