Symptoms and stages of Alzheimer’s disease
It is common for people to have episodes of forgetfulness. However, in the case of people with Alzheimer’s forgetfulness is an addition to certain ongoing behavior and symptoms that worsen over time. Some of such symptoms are: Memory loss that affects normal day to day activities. Inability to do familiar tasks. Having problem-solving difficulties Speech or writing difficulties A decrease in judgment levels Being disoriented with regard to time or places A decrease in personal hygiene Personality and mood changes Societal withdrawal (family, friends, and community) Depending on the stage of the disease, the symptoms usually vary. When the disease progresses the symptoms become severe. At this stage, control over physical functions are lost and dependency on caretakers increases. They tend to sleep more often too. Recognition of loved ones and communication is poor. Symptoms of severe Alzheimer’s disease are: Loss of weight Seizures Lack of control in bladder and bowel movement Infections of the skin, making groaning, mourning or grunting sounds Difficulty in swallowing People with the last stage Alzheimer’s disease also have to deal with complications arising due to loss of physical function. They are at risk of getting pneumonia due to difficulty in swallowing which results in inhaling liquids into the lungs.